Panglima TNI Leads Ceremony to Hold VVIP Security Force Ready for The G20 Presidency

Selasa, 8 November 2022 - 02:31 WIB

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DETIKINDONESIA.CO.ID, BALI – Checking the readiness of TNI Soldiers who will carry out security duties for Heads of State and Delegates at G20 Presidency activities in 2022, Commander of the Indonesian National Armed Forces (Panglima TNI) General TNI Andika Perkasa with the Chief Police of the Republic Indonesia (Kapolri) leads Ceremony to Hold VVIP Security Force at the Niti Mandala Renon Field, Denpasar City, on Monday (7/11/2022).

In front of thousands participants of the Ceremony to Hold VVIP Security Force, Panglima TNI said that the VVIP Task Force that had been prepared was not only for 20 Heads of State G20 members, but also 42 other heads of state who were expected to be present in Bali.

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With the trust of the G20 participating countries in Indonesia as the host, the Panglima TNI invites to successly of the G20 Presidency activities in Nusa Dua Bali, in order to ensure the safety of VVIP security and maintain the upholding of the honor of the Indonesian Nation.



Furthermore, the Press Kit delivered by Puspen TNI related to the VVIP Security of the G20 Presidency that, this readiness ceremony mobilized many 3.700 personnel as participants in the ceremony including the BAIS Task Force, Regional Security Task Force, VVIP Task Force, Special Forces Task Force, Marine Task Force, Air Task Force, Airport/Harbor/Installation Task Force, Medical Task Force, Communications and Electronics Task Force, Public Relations Task Force, Evacuation Task Force, VIP Task For ce and 1 company music corps.

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In the implementation of the G20 Presidency VVIP Security, the TNI deployed many as 14.351 personnel who are members of the VVIP Integrated Security Command (Kogabpadpam), including from TNI Headquarters (Mabes TNI), Presidential Guard (Paspampres), Indonesian Army (TNI AD), Navy (TNI AL) and Air Force (TNI AU).

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Penulis : Netty
Editor : Michael
Sumber : Paspen Mabes TNI

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